Leptin Resistance & Blood sugar

Most of us know that insulin and glucose have alot to do with blood sugar.  What we aren’t being taught is the importance of leptin.  Leptin  is our bodies “satiety” hormone.  It tells us when we’re full, and our “energy” tanks have been refilled.  

Leptin is secreted in most part by fat cells, in direct proportion to the amount of fat that is stored. It regulates both energy intake and expenditure, keeping the body fat levels in balance.  

When we eat to many nutrient poor, empty carbohydrates, in the way of pastas, breads, grains, cakes, cookies; you know, the ones that make you “feel good” by releasing the dopamine in the brain for a very short while, only to send you into a blood sugar hangover in a matter of hours or even minutes (that “man, I’ve gotta have a nap” following lunch feeling) we become “leptin resistant.”  Our triglycerides shoot up, along with our blood sugar levels, and our body gets the signal to eat more fats because it thinks we don’t have enough fat in storage, our glucose levels go up, and we go for more carbohydrates, (empty calories) (dopamine enhancer feel good stimulators) in hopes that we’ll survive the energy shortage, and we stock pile on the fats– as adipose tissue.  

This cycle continues, because now, your body thinks it needs more leptin, and needs to store more fat, because you may need more energy, unaware that your fat reserves are in overload.  Now, not only are you experiencing “leptin resistance,” but also greater “insulin resistance.”

Metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, neuropathy, visual disturbance, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, are all related to blood sugar imbalance.

Our bodies are still designed, even after thousands of years on earth, to want to hunt and gather.  Genetically, our body still believes that we are one step away from starvation.  So we are “pre-programmed” to make sure that we have enough fat stored away so that if that next meal is postponed, or in reality, the fats we consume are empty of nutritional value- ie. low-fat, no fat, then we are going to store more fat.  

Carbohydrates give our body immediate energy.  Protein gives our body sustained energy. Fats are the “go to” when we’ve used up our carbohydrates and our proteins.  When you consume large amounts of empty carbohydrates, you don’t have much for immediate energy.  Our proteins have become lean meats, we were told to cut off the fat, not eat the skin (that’s actually because of the antibiotiics and hormones that are stored in skin from what we feed the animals) so we don’t have the protein for muscle and cellular repair.  We cut out the fat, even the good fats, only to replace them with garbage oils  in the way of refined vegetable oil, margarine, “smart butter,” “I can’t believe it’s not butter” and countless other names.  

So where do you start?  You know you want to get a handle on your blood sugar.  TheraFood, Whole Food Nutrition holds the key to helping you adapt a new relationship with foods that will nourish your body, mind and soul.  I can guide you in getting a handle and regaining your well being.  I will teach you what kinds of “good fats” your body needs to keep your leptin levels balanced, and help with the diagnoses that come with blood sugar imbalances.  

In wellness,

Tracie Feldhaus, CTWFN