Hormones & Liver Functions



The Liver/Estrogen/Insulin connection is well established, and much ignored by mainstream medicine.

Whether you are peri-menopausal, menopausal, or a young woman, hormone issues are very real.  Guys, that “low-t” (low testosterone) may not be low t at all, it may be that you too are estrogen dominant.  

The foundation of these issues have more to do with liver congestion than with estrogen production. Sex related hormones are produced in the liver, ovaries, and testes. The liver has to be able to filter all of our hormones, along with all of the food toxins, the pharmaceutical drugs, the over-the-counter medications, the fats, sugars, and environmental toxins we come into contact with!

If your liver is not functioning properly, these toxins end up in our fat cells. Now, there are unhealthy fat cells, and healthy essential fats. However, if your diet is high in transfats, from all those cookies, cakes, candy, fast foods, then you have fat that is very unhealthy. Those transfats generally create excess adipose tissue, which also produces estrogens. So throwing more estrogen in the way of pharmaceuticals creates more problems in the long run!

Excessive estrogen disrupts thyroid function, slowing the thyroid down. Hypothyroid (low thyroid) is very closely linked to estrogen and progesterone levels. A simple shortage of thyroid hormone may be the cause of excessive estrogen, and the cycle continues.

Low thyroid equals low energy. Thyroid hormones use fat calories, and estrogen is what causes the fat to be stored. Since excess estrogen has to compete with the thyroid hormones, estrogen dominance blocks the thyroid from being effective. Sadly, this problem can start long before it will show up on standard lab tests.

If your blood sugars are high, and the liver has ended up clogged from high blood sugar and transfats, then the liver sends out hormones to store that fat in the way of adipose tissue. Since the adipose tissue fat is devoid of the essential nutrients needed to turn that fat back into energy, we end up with that belly we all want to go away. The body stores those transfats, hoping that someday when it needs an energy kick, that the fat will have the glucagon (glucose)  it needs to balance your blood sugar.  

These are complicated issues, and although mainstream medicine can throw pharmaceutical drugs at these issues, the end result is that you are chasing symptoms.

Nutritional Therapy, on the other hand, can look at these issues, correct the imbalances, so that your body can regulate itself, and in doing so, those hormonal issues, the hot flashes, the irregular menses, the acne, the loss of libido can be corrected.

At WHOLE FOOD MEDICINE, I offer a simple 21 Day Purification/Detoxification program that easily addresses these issues. Call for your appointment today!

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