
Whole Food Medicine Paradise: This is a good article on hypoglycemia, with the one exception that is extremely important to note. Once again, the emphasis on carbohydrate (glucose) burning for energy, is stressed as being the primary source of fuel for the body. This is only because we have been indoctrinated into being “carbohydrate/glucose burners.” The preferred fuel for our body is actually to burn essential fats. Your heart, brain and muscles all prefer fat over carbohydrates. Fat burners produce ketones– not to be mixed up with “keto-acidosis. Ketoacidosis happens when the pancreas cannot produce insulin (Type 1 diabetics and in very, very rare cases, Type 2. The book, KETO-CLARITY, by Jimmy Moore, along with 29 MD’s and nutritional biochemists and scientists from around the world have come together to explain this topic in detail. When we burn fat instead of glucose, blood sugars stabilize, cholesterol, HDL go up to the correct levels, and small dense LDL- the problem child, goes down. You lose that adipose tissue, which is cranking out estrogens (raising blood sugars) and raising inflammation markers in the body. You lose inches, pounds and you keep the weight off!
Sincerely, Tracie


Seven Organs of Elimination & Purification Program

Liver detoxification is a common household term.  Yet most often, it only addresses the liver, and the other six organs of elimination are ignored.  These organs are equally important, and true detoxification (or purification) should always be considered when deciding to “detox.”

What are these organs?  Our lungs, lymph, liver, colon, blood, kidneys and skin.

Your liver has more than 2000 known functions, from making hormones to storing fat to control blood sugar, to filtering the wastes of just being alive.

Your lungs filter the toxins we inhale, build red blood cells, and control our ability to breath.

Your intestines and colon not only absorb vitamins and minerals, but also eliminate toxins from the foods we eat.  Eighty five percent of your immune system is in your gut, and Eighty five percent of seratonin is made in your gut. It is becoming referred to as the “Second Brain” and new research actually shows that our brain gets its signals from the gut and not the other way around.  THE SECOND BRAIN, by Dr. Michael Gershon is a great read on this subject.

The blood stream is another pathway of elimination, red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, white cells fight infection, LDL carries cholesterol, hormones, and essential fatty acids. HDL carries the old cells out of the body for elimination. Our vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids are transported via the blood stream.

Your lymphatic system clears bacteria, enhances immunity, and helps clear toxins of all kinds.  Without a healthy lymphatic system, we see lymphedema, lymphoma’s and cancer.  Being able to sweat is integral to good detoxification.

The kidneys are also extremely important in detoxification.  What isn’t filtered via the liver and intestinal tract gets dumped into the kidneys for elimination via our urine.  When the kidneys are taxed, we develop high blood pressure, edema, gout, and arthritis.  Blood sugar instability is extremely damaging to the kidneys.

The largest organ of elimination is our skin.  When your liver, kidneys, intestinal tract, lymph, lungs, blood are toxic, you develop rashes, psoriasis, acne, dermatitis, dandruff, hives and more.  By the time the skin is involved, you can be assured your body is very toxic.

Where, and why have we become such a toxic nation.  Our groundwater and wells show signs of pharmaceutical drugs, flushed down the toilet and leached through septic systems. Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, are all injected and sprayed into our crops. Enviromental pollution is rampant, and we can no escape it.  The air we breath is compromised, you know the story…

We do have choices, and one of the best is to utilize Whole Food Medicines 21 Day Purification Program.  This program addresses all of our organs of elimination by utilizing cleanse capsules that contain 28 botanicals. I will teach you how to make good food choices that lower inflammation, blood sugar, address fatigue, chronic pain, and more.  You will be given a Purification kit that includes your shakes, your food plan, and supplements to assist your body back to wellness.

I am starting the next program on JANUARY 8, 2015.  We will meet at Craig Congregational Church for 4 consecutive weeks, and “clean up our act!”

Join me in starting 2015 with the tools and skills for a stronger, healthier and kinder New Year.  WWW.WHOLEFOODMEDICINE.COM or TRACIEFELDHAUS@TRACIEFELDHAUSWHOLEFOODNUTRITION.COM











We will begin the 21 Day Group Purification starting Monday, January 20,2014.

We will meet at 6pm at Craig Memorial Congregational Church in the office building, next to the church, located at the corner of Pearson and Scottwood Rd. Paradise.

There is still time to come in for your initial exam, and discover the incredible benefits of a Whole Food purification program.

This program addresses all of your body’s organs of elimination, your liver, gallbladder, colon, intestines, lungs, skin.

We only have Wednesday and Thursday to make this happen!  Call 530-566-6116!

Blood Sugar, the pancreas, liver, adrenal connection

Most of us think that the pancreas is the only organ involved when it comes to our blood sugar (glucose).  This wonderful endocrine gland is only a small part of the issue.  Blood sugar stability requires a trifecta– the liver, adrenals and pancreas. These glands and organs have to work together to raise blood sugar when it drops to low (hypoglycemia) or lower blood sugar when it gets to high (hyperglycemia).

Think of your body as an airplane.  You have to have two wings to fly, and one of those wings is your pancreas.  The other is your adrenal glands.  The pancreas secretes insulin, and glucagon.  Insulin tells your body to use the proteins, fats and carbohydrates you eat for immediate energy, or to put some of that energy into storage, so that  you can keep functioning through your day.  Insulin works to lower blood sugar levels.   Glucagon, also secreted by the pancreas, comes into play when your blood sugar levels drop to low.  Glucagon’s job is to raise blood sugar levels.

If your pancreas has been exhausted by “overcarbsumption”  ( a wonderful term from the book IT STARTS WITH FOOD,)  then it can no longer control the amount of insulin floating around in your blood stream, and your blood sugar (glucose) levels raise up.  Traditional medicine calls this diabetes, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

Your other “wing” is the adrenals.  These amazing endocrine glands sit directly above the kidneys, and control heart rate, body temperature, hormone functions, and our “fight or flight” response.  They do so by producing “cortisol.”  Cortisol is our bodies glucocorticoid steriod hormone, generally known as the “stress hormone.”

When your blood sugar levels raise to high, or drop to low; your adrenals send out cortisol signals to the pancreas and liver to release converted glucogen.  Glucogen was the end product of that initial insulin signal– the one that said “store some energy for later.” This is where the liver comes into the picture.  (I’ll explain more in a bit.)

When your adrenals have to kick up a response due to high blood sugar levels, they become exhausted.  Remember, they control many other body functions, so they are huge “multi-taskers.”  Stress of daily life, poor food choices, frantic work days, kids to ball games, financial worries, you know– life; requires a lot from these little glands.   Prescription drugs, illness, lack of exercise, and enviromental toxins all add to the exhaustion and fatigue of your adrenals.  If the signals that the adrenals are sending out to the pancreas can’t be recognized by the pancreas, then havoc ensues.  The “on-off” switch malfunctions, both with the adrenals and with the pancreas!

So here comes the liver– the body of your personal airplane!  When we had that morning meal, cereal, oatmeal, toast, a bagel, we loaded up on carbohydrates.  Carbohydrates give us immediate energy, but are essentially fast acting sugar.  Especially in the form of “simple” carbohydrates.  Your body knew that it had to store these carbohydrates so that when 10am (or 3pm) came rolling around, you’d need a “pick me up” snack.

Your liver did this by converting the glucagon to glucogen.  Glucogen was then stored as fat in your muscles, and in your liver.  The glucogen in the muscles is supposed to be used up in about 90 minutes.  But we don’t burn the fat from our muscles like our grandparents did, we have jobs that keep us relatively sedentry. So, that glucogen plugs up the receptors in our muscles and liver, creating fatty livers and weak muscles.  Any excess becomes adipose fat, yep, that belly…

So, what to do?  First off, realize that the simple carbohydrates are not just your cakes and cookies and sweets.  They are also pasta, rice, grains, breads and cereals.  Even your oatmeal is a simple carbohydrate.  As for lowering   your “cholesterol”  levels, it is a false hood that cholesterol causes heart disease.   Cholesterol is actually the bodies “bandaid” when there is a wound, or inflammation or injury.  It rebuilds the cells!

The chronic inflammation caused by high blood sugar levels acts in a couple of  ways.  In your arteries it acts much like a skinned knee, causing an abrasion of the inside of your arteries.  Cholesterol then comes to the rescue, putting a scab on the wound.  A couple of hours later, you go back to a lunch full of simple at carbohydrates, and just like the kid that won’t leave the skinned knee alone, picking at the scab, you end up a scarring in the interior of your arteries.  This is the narrowing of our arteries.

Complex carbohydrates require that your body work to digest them, and the sugar release is much slower.  Add good proteins and you have energy that can be sustained.  Add good essential fats, and your body can then burn the garbage fat (adipose) and your blood sugar has the nutrients to keep your blood sugar levels much more stable.

In today’s world, most of us need the help of Whole Food Medicine and nutritional supplements to help our body correct years of improper food choices.  These choices, even for the most “food conscious” of us, are what we have been taught and marketed to by the major food giants.  These choices are our STANDARD AMERICAN DIET – aka “SAD.”

Let us help you teach your body what good nutrition is all about.  Give me a call at TheraFood, Whole Food Medicine.  Your wellness depends on it!

Handling blood sugar issues

This last weekend has been a bit of an eye opener.  Actually, I learned about this in a seminar last year, and it needs to be shared.

Back in 1956 when my mom became pregnant with me, her doctor put her on a very restrictive diet, limiting her to only 25 pounds weight gain.  This was done because she had gained a huge amount of weight when she was pregnant with m older sister.

What this meant for me was that I was born full term, 5lbs, 2 oz, and only 18 inches long.  Today, we know that this creates the destiny of heart, lung, adrenal, and blood sugar (diabetes) issues.  My body was so starved in-vitro that my adrenals were already in hyperdrive when I was born!  My tiny body was cranking out cortisol at birth!

I had chronic respiratory infections as a child, and developed sarcoidosis at the age of 32– at least that was when it was diagnosed.  (I found out later I’d had it for years).  The result was that I grew up on prednisone and solumedrol for allergies and lung/asthma issues.  These two drugs are a huge insult to our pancreas and adrenals as well as our livers.

The pancreas, adrenals and liver are your three main organs that handle blood sugar.  The pancreas controls insulin and glucagon.  The adrenals react when blood sugar raises or drops.  The liver filters all the toxins, fats, and makes a major amount of the hormones our body needs to survive.

But our livers are clogged with junk fats, preventing the good fats from being turned into energy where they can balance blood sugar.  So the adrenals kick in, thinking they need to get the liver and the pancreas to release glucagon, or insulin.  The pancreas kicks out more insulin, raising our blood sugar, and the cells in our bodies, flooded with sugar, can’t recognize that we have enough, are now “resistant” to the insulin.  Our muscles and liver aren’t getting the signal that there is enough fat- so our brain says eat more “sugar” and that sugar ends up in the adipose tissue, since your muscles are overloaded with glucogen that is not being burnt off by exercise, and the only place to put the fat is back in the liver, and around your organs (visceral fat) and adipose tissue.  This now cranks out more estrogen and insulin, and you have both “leptin resistance and insulin resistance.”

This may be how diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, leptin resistance begins.  It is our autoimmune diseases, arthritis, chronic pain & fatigue, dementia, Alzheimers and Parkinsons.  It destroys the myelin sheath, both at the nerve ends (neuropathy) as well as the ability of the nerves to fire the correct signals in the brain for memory, cognitive function, and muscle strength.  It is a major factor in fibromyalgia, and very possibly the other nerve pain syndromes.  e

When we take the appropriate steps to bring our blood sugar back into balance, detoxify our livers, and support our adrenals, we can begin to heal!

Call me to find out how to begin your journey back to wellness!






The Liver/Estrogen/Insulin connection is well established, and much ignored by mainstream medicine.

Whether you are peri-menopausal, menopausal, or a young woman, hormone issues are very real. Guys, this following also applies to you. If you are dealing with “low T” (low testosterone) it may be that your testosterone would be fine, if you weren’t dealing with estrogen dominance from that spare tire so many of carry around our midsection!

The foundation of these issues have more to do with liver congestion than with estrogen production. Sex related hormones are produced in the liver, ovaries, and testes. The liver has to be able to filter all of our hormones, along with all of the food toxins, the pharmaceutical drugs, the over-the-counter medications, the fats, sugars, and environmental toxins we come into contact with!

If your liver is not functioning properly, these toxins end up in our fat cells. Now, there are unhealthy fat cells, and healthy essential fat. However, if your diet is high in trans fats, from all those cookies, cakes, candy, fast foods, then you have fat that is very unhealthy. Those trans fats generally create excess adipose tissue, which also produces estrogens. So throwing more estrogen in the way of pharmaceuticals creates more problems in the long run!

Excessive estrogen disrupts thyroid function, slowing the thyroid down. Hypothyroid (low thyroid) is very closely linked to estrogen and progesterone levels. A simple shortage of thyroid hormone may be the cause of excessive estrogen, and the cycle continues.

Low thyroid equals low energy. Thyroid hormones use fat calories, and estrogen is what causes the fat to be stored. Since excess estrogen has to compete with the thyroid hormones, estrogen dominance blocks the thyroid from being effective. Sadly, this problem can start long before it will show up on standard lab tests.

If your blood sugars are high, and the liver has ended up clogged from high blood sugar and trans fats, then the liver sends out hormones to store that fat in the way of adipose tissue. Since the adipose tissue fat is devoid of the essential nutrients needed to turn that fat back into energy, we end up with that belly we all want to go away. The body stores those trans fats, hoping that someday when it needs an energy kick, that the fat will have the glucose it needs for energy.

These are complicated issues, and although mainstream medicine can throw pharmaceutical drugs at these issues, the end result is that you are chasing symptoms.

Nutritional Therapy, on the other hand, can look at these issues, correct the imbalances, so that your body can regulate itself, and in doing so, those hormonal issues, the hot flashes, the irregular menses, the acne, the loss of libido can be corrected.

At WHOLE FOOD MEDICINE, I offer a simple 21 Day Purification/Detoxification program that easily addresses these issues. Call for your appointment today!